May 28, 2012

Lazy Day Reading

It took me awhile to get through Cara Hoffman's So Much Pretty.  I knew nothing about this book when I picked it up, but was drawn to the title and the paperback cover when I chanced upon it at the bookstore a few months back.  A precocious Alice Piper grows up in a rural, Upstate New York town with hippie parents and a unique point of view.  This novel follows her and the other characters' various narratives about life in the small town, the disappearance of one of the town's young women and the role they each inevitably and sometimes unwittingly play.  It was an interesting read, but somewhat choppy.  I don't generally mind changes in point of view throughout a story but I've read other books where the transitions are much more fluid.  All in all, it was an entertaining read with an interesting outcome, but in the end, I found it somewhat lacking.  The characters weren't developed as much as I'd like, which may have had something to do with the way the story was told.  This is not a lengthy book and I got through rather large chunks at a time, but it wasn't one of those can't-put-it-down kind of reads.  Trying to decide what's next up in my reader's queue:  the Dragon Tattoo books or Hunger Games or something else altogether.  So much to read, so little time.

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