December 20, 2006

Kelly Said "Please."

She's so cute and sweet and polite to boot ... how can one not oblige?

Egg nog or hot chocolate? Hot chocolate. (Best made with milk, Ghiradelli chocolate and a shot of Jack Daniels. Oh, and marshmallows -- not the same without.)

Does Father Christmas wrap presents or just set them under the tree? The elves wrap the presents, of course.

Coloured lights on tree/house or white? It's not really about colour -- it's more about how they're put up. There are always those people that just should be committed because they're trying to make you blind.

Do you hang mistletoe? Nope. Too short and too lazy to find a ladder.

When do you put up your decorations? Depends on when I have time.

What's your favourite Christmas dish? Our family doesn't really have any traditional Christmas "dishes."

Favourite Christmas memory as a child? This was well beyond "childhood" but it's definitely my favourite xmas memory -- I usually wait until X-mas eve to take down my presents (not out of any particular tradition, but mostly because I wait til the last minute to wrap them, because I'm one of those last-minute shoppers). I think I was in high school at the time. My younger brother thought he was going to be all sneaky and poke around the Christmas presents to try and figure out what I had gotten him. I had anticipated this and scared him at the top of the stairs, and he went scurrying back to his room. I can't even remember what it was that I got him, but I think the shape of the object would have given it away.

When and how did you learn the truth about Father Christmas? Why, whatever do you mean?

Do you open a gift on Christmas Eve? I think we did once, but our family's pretty small, so it's more fun to wait until the Day to open them.

How do you decorate your Christmas tree? With the cheesy holiday music (which I love) playing in the background, and a Santa hat on.

Snow! Love it or dread it? Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Can you ice skate? Yep.

Do you remember your favourite gift? My down comforter my mom gave me a few years ago.

What's the most important thing about Christmas for you? There's something about being home for Christmas. I never realized it until the one year I couldn't be at home (I was kind of on the other side of the world in Korea, and the airfare was just a tad hefty).

What's your favourite Christmas dessert? It's more treat than dessert, but my mom's wedding cake cookies, known to some as snowball cookies. I think they have various other names too, but you know the ones I'm talking about -- the ones rolled in confectioner's sugar. I've had other folks' but mom's are always the best -- she has just the perfect ratio of walnuts and everything else.

What's your favourite Christmas tradition? Seeing a movie on Christmas day with the fam.

What tops your tree? I personally don't have a tree up this year in my apartment (too busy and/or lazy in my limited free time). My parents' tree rotates between this star thing with lights that is quite possibly as old as I am, and an angel prop that might be older than I am.

Which do you prefer: giving or receiving? What person doesn't like to receive gifts? That being said, there are some years when I know that I am right on target with a gift and I can't wait for that person to open it.

What's your favourite Christmas song? I love Christmas music, and start busting it out after Thanksgiving, so you can't ask me to pick just one. 'Zat You Santa Clause? and Christmas in New Orleans by Louie Armstrong. Bruce Springsteen's Santa Clause is Coming To Town. Macy Gray's Winter Wonderland. Nat King Cole's The Christmas Song. Silver Bells by Rosemary Clooney and Bing Crosby. And of course, Bing's White Christmas. No one does it quite like him (though my next favorite version of this is the duet by Robert Downey Jr. & Vonda Shepard). I think Jenna's rendition of Please Daddy (Don't Get Drunk on Christmas) might be making my list this year too.

Candy canes? I prefer the fruity ones with the multi-colour stripes, but I'm not as into candy canes generally as I was when I was younger. And I second Kelly's vote for the peppermint ones in hot chocolate.

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