January 24, 2006

Good Intentions ...

I haven't knit anything -- Lelah, or anything else for that matter -- since I last posted with hopes of blocking soon! I guess I jinxed myself. Ah well, I am always full of good intentions. Today is a perfect example. I play with a local university orchestra, which started up its weekly rehearsals tonight, in conjunction with the start of the new semester. Everytime we start to prep for a new concert, I tell myself that I will be better about practicing, that I will figure out the fingerings for those notes that travel off the staff (I play the violin, so they can get pretty high up there) and work out all the wonky rhythms. I usually only get about as far as obtaining recordings of the pieces to attempt learning the music by osmosis, and one or two actual practice sessions on my own initiative. Honestly, where will I find the time?! (I suppose I could spend less time surfing the web, but that just seems too practical).

So, it looks like The West Wing, is wrapping up this year. I'm actually surprised it made it this far, what with the departures of Aaron Sorokin and of course, Rob Lowe. I confess that even I, most faithful of serial TV watchers wandered off, uninspired, until late last season, when the writing seemed to pick up some of its original zing. The prodigal viewer has returned, in hopes of really catching Sam Seaborn come back for the series' close. I wonder too, how Leo's storyline will end, with the sad passing of John Spencer this past December.

Without any great segue, I move on. I've always refrained from using actual names on this blog, in an attempt to maintain some modicum of anonymity for myself and those I tend to cavort with. Given my profession, one never knows when one will be Googled. Not that having a knitting blog is really cause for subterfuge, but I'd rather not have an opposing counsel or colleague being privy to the nonsensical thoughts that permeate my brain. I barely look like an attorney (I'm blessed with that Asian trait of looking much younger than my actual thirty years) so I hardly need to give them reason to doubt my professional credibility. Still, there comes a point where even I get confused, since I know a whole lotta J's and K's and apparently, D's. On the cusp of my blogiversary, I think the transition to using first names, should naming become necessary, ought to be inoccuous enough.

Thusly, in the vein of this new blogging philosphy, I continue with my ramblings. I had Dawn over for dinner last night and showed her the progress on her belated birthday gift. She was very happy about the color, which was a relief, though I wasn't really all that worried. With January coming to a close, I realized there's another birthday on the horizon -- and I found the perfect item for Doris:


This beauty was done up by Jenna, of my local knitting group. I haven't decided on a color yet, but I know that I must have something in my stash that will fit the bill. Of course, as all good intentions go, I plan to have this done by Doris' birthday at the end of the month.

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