August 23, 2009

Chickens & Babies

No summer is complete without the annual foray into Pennsyltuckey and thither we traveled for Chicken Inferno 11...

which came first?

It's been a year of babies, and I find that my last few knitting projects have been for little ones.

Back in May, Kaia went to Katie -- now the proud mum of Tessa. I left out the lace edging at the bottom and instead added the ruffle to give it a little flair. I thought Katie was kidding when she told me the top half of the dress matched the paint the papa had chosen for the baby's room but while dog-sitting over there a couple weekends ago, I got to witness the nursery in all its glory. I never would have guessed that hot pink could have been done so tastefully, but Josh managed to put together the most wonderful little room.


Jen & Terry are expecting their little bundle of joy in November, gender TBD. So green seemed a good way to go and I figured this pattern will flatter any little gal or guy. I stumbled upon the cutest little frog buttons while perusing the racks at Joann's.


Unfortunately, there were only two buttons in stock and the pattern called for four. I spent forever rearranging the buttons in every possible permutation before settling on the single one at the top. I somehow managed to forget to add the garter edge at the bottom, but even with the rolled edge, I am still very happy with how it turned out.


Pressed for time as well as being a bit burnt out from baby clothes, I chose Elijah for Frankie IV, due to arrive in October to Julie and Frank, III. It truly is a quick knit. I not only finished this in time (shower this morning), but was not up all night cramming to get it done. He was knit up with the leftovers from the cardigan. I was truly loathe to give him away, he's so stinkin' cute. I really wanted to keep this little guy! But, I know that he's found a good home.

for baby mazz

With this pattern, I not only learned a new cast on, but I did french knots for the first time. Now I want to put french knots on everything. They're so freakin' easy. And lovely. Picking up the stitches to add each appendage was the most frustrating part - the ears in particular drove me bonkers - but all in all, I loved knitting this. What I found fascinating about this pattern is that with every new addition, it got cuter and cuter and I could not wait to finish it to see it completed. Perhaps that's why it was such a quick knit.

But. Enough babies for now. Maybe I'll finally get some rhythm going on the Whisper Cardigan that I'm making for me that I started [what seems like] eons ago. And maybe, just maybe, it'll be done before it gets too cold to actually wear it.

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