July 31, 2005

Great Things Come in SP Packages!

A bit of SP goodness came my way last week -- such wonderful treats amidst some work craziness! I love my weekends as much as anyone else but, I'm always a bit stunned when Friday comes around as I think to myself, already?! I've barely made a dent in my pile o' work! We have been so busy lately that time just zips on by.

Better busy than slow though -- I hate it when days drag on! I've had to bring work home a few nights this week, but the beauty of small firm life is that they understand that one should have a life. I bring work home when I know that something absolutely needs to be done, but there's none of that tacit pressure to work late nights or weekends that I know some friends suffer at those larger "name" firms. For example, on Friday, the boss closed up shop early, feeling that on a beautiful summer Friday, there's nothing better than sending us off to enjoy the weekend early. So, yes, I know my equals out there are earning perhaps twice my income, but as my colleague and good friend K says, we're buying flexibility and quality of life working where we work. Doesn't get much better than that!

But back to my treats -- my lovely, lovely treats from my way cool and thoughtful SP ... take a look:

SP Goodies!

Doesn't get much better than that, either! Not shown is the sock pattern she sent along to accompany the KnitPicks Dancing.

So after all the troubles I went through with Lelah before, wouldn't you know it I had to engage the frog again? It was twisted! Is that a sign? I dunno if it's good that I'm stubborn or not, since I've cast-on for it yet again... third time's supposed to be the charm, no?! I guess only time will tell ...

It's been a fun weekend ... went out with some friends from my old job Friday nite, to kick off the weekend with a couple o' brews. Checked in with the 'rents on Saturday while lil' bro was in town with his v.cute, but slightly hyper pup and today, went and had a date with J's 6-month old son B while she and her hubby went out to enjoy themselves for a bit. It's been a full weekend, and now it's Sunday evening and I think to myself, already?! Go figure!

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