May 21, 2005

Mail Call!

So I got home yesterday and look what was waiting for me!


Isn't it a great color? Actually, that's just a portion of what I got. In total, there are 29 balls of this fun stuff since it is, after all, an afghan. So I got started on it last night, and it really does work up nice and pretty.

Grass Begins to Grow

Wasn't able to get a sharp enough picture of the stitch detail, but this yarn gives this basic V-stitch great definition --

Grass close up

I'm just getting to know fibers, so I'm not sure if it's the content or the dye that gives it that nice "shine", as the yarn is aptly named. It's probably both. At any rate, while I was working on this last night I loved how soft it felt resting against the skin, and so I am going to have get some more later and try my hand at a summer top with it! I read this review before settling on this yarn, and I'd have to agree wholeheartedly. I second the recommendation that this is a great sub for Rowan Linen Drape, which is actually what Erica Knight's pattern uses. And, it's a steal. I hear that Linen Drape has been discontinued, but since my LYS hadn't carried it ever anyway, I came home with a skein each of Brown Sheep Cotton Fleece and a Debbie Bliss cotton/merino blend, to swatch up. I did like the former, but it would still have cost almost twice as much as the Shine. After last night, I'm glad I went with it -- I liked it even better than the Cotton Fleece, which was a bit stiffer. And even though it doesn't matter much for the afghan, it's right on target with the pattern guage. I've read a few places that new knitters tend to have a tighter guage which may be why my knitting projects always have to be swatched a few times and needles renegotiated, but my crochet guages are almost always dead on.

Wish me luck in getting this done in time for the end-of-June wedding. On top of packing my things for my move next weekend, and heading down to B-more the following one ... free time is questionable. Dear old mum wished me luck with a smirk on her face ... but then, I've always been overly optimistic. Ha!

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