December 06, 2011

Catch Up

Finally am feeling caught up.

Caught up on work. Work goes in phases -- it's either insanely crazy or insanely slow. Never in between. Just coming off an insaner than insanely crazy spell. The inbox overflow onto my desk at work is no longer and the inbox is actually almost empty. Whee!

Caught up on sleep. Goes hand in hand with the above, in addition to things like the aforementioned disco, orchestra concerts (I play with a local university orchestra), and the start of the holiday party season (attended my first over the weekend).

Caught up on my new favorite show. Sherlock. Check it out. You'll see what I mean.

And more or less caught up on knitting.


I just hope the kid hasn't grown too much since I started it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YES the new sherlock is SO. GOOD. i wanted to hate it. fail. also, great vest! can't wait to catch up with you saturday! -b