A girl I knew in college used to rant about the bagels found outside of New York City, insistent that such concoctions were merely "round bread." I had no idea what she was talking about. A few years later, I attended law school in that glorious metropolis, and under the tutelage of my more-or-less-natives-roommates, realized what that college pal was talking about. Albeit, finding real bagels in the city is becoming rare, moving away of course made that search all the more difficult. Then yesterday, I checked out a local Jewish deli that my boss told me about, and dare I say it? I think I've found it, or the closest thing to it. They'll certainly be getting my return patronage. Yum.
Am currently enthralled by Phillip Pullman's His Dark Materials trilogy. A. turned me onto this kids' series over the summer whilst waiting for Harry Potter to come out -- a clever retelling of this. Finished up the second book early this morning around 3, and have begun the final.
My continued reading will have to wait till football Sunday is over though. I will however be working with the sticks while watching the pigskin get tossed. Since finishing up Lelah, I've been hooked on lace knitting. Have found a good use for a random skein of pink wool that was hidden in Mum's old stash that has since become mine! Will post a pic after I've replaced my dead batteries.
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